Storming The Eagle's Nest. Hitler's War In The Alp...
Jim Ring
Berlin: The Downfall 1945
Antony Beevor
The British Armies in World War Two: An Organisati...
David Hughes
The First Hundred Thousand: Being the Unofficial C...
Ian Hay
Ships Versus Shore: Civil War Engagements along So...
Dave Page
Great Battles of the Vietnam War
Tom Carhart
The White Rose of Stalingrad
Bill Yenne
The Church in the Furnace
Edited by F. B. Macnutt
Navy List 1918
The Navy List July 1915
Navy List July 1913
Elizabeth's Army
C. G. Cruickshank
Seven Pillars of Wisdom
T E Lawrence
San Bartolomé Fort: Interpretation Centre for the...
Pamplona Town Council, Strategic Planning
El patrimonio fortificado pirenaico [s. XVI - XIX]
Ayuntamiento de Pamplona Iruneko Udala